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Availability: Out of stock
Popular selections of freeze dried fruit — all natural and no added sweeteners, all packaged in a gift box!
Save over buying items individually. Plus, we send gift boxes by placing items in a white box, covering them with gift wrapping tissue paper, enclosing any possible gift message, then label the box as a gift box. Use our multiple-address and gift-messaging features to send these gift boxes to friends and family.
Products are certified Kosher. See the North Bay Kosher List.
Gift Box Contents:
Freeze Dried Sliced Strawberry 2.5 oz mylar and foil retail bag
Freeze Dried Whole Blueberries 3 oz mylar and foil retail bag
Freeze Dried Diced Apple 3.4 oz mylar and foil retail bag
Freeze Dried Banana 4.5 oz mylar and foil retail bag
Eat as a snack, a topping for cereals, or in gourmet baking.
For more information, please go to the "Cooking Tips" tab at the "View Detail" page for each item
Please contact us for specification on these products.
If you represent a food manufacturer and would like to open a wholesale account, please email us with your business name, documentation of your business, the product(s) you are interested in, your first order quantity and timing, and projections for future orders.